Invoice Products

Invoice products represent the various goods and services offered by your organization. By saving these products, you streamline and expedite the invoice creation process.

To begin, access the Products page:

:: Main Menu > Sales > Products

Managing Products


Managing Products

From this page, you can perform the following actions:

(1) & (2) Create a new product

(3) Utilize a comprehensive filter panel to sort products based on criteria such as dates, categories, and statuses.

(4) Conduct text-based searches of your products using the search box.

(5) Delete a product

(6) Modify a product

(7) Review a product

(8) Access additional product management options via the quick actions button.

Creating Products


Creating Products

Basic information

  • Description
  • Rate
  • Unit
    • e.g. Each, Item, Hrs, etc.
  • Category

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