Leads Overview

Leads serve as valuable business opportunities within CRM for business. They comprise the contact information of individuals or organizations that have shown interest in the company’s product offerings. The organization can then leverage various marketing and promotional tools to transform these prospective customers into paying clients.

The CRM platform enables your team to efficiently manage all relevant information and interactions while nurturing leads towards customer conversion.

Leads Overview

The primary actions panel (as displayed above) facilitates the following:

(1) (2) Initiating a new lead.

(4) Filtering leads.

(5) Sorting leads (e.g., sorting by due date).

(6) Toggling between list view and kanban board view.

(7) Admin users can opt to view only the leads they are assigned to or view all leads.

(8) The free-text search box enables quick identification of specific leads.

Kanban View

The dashboard offers the option to view leads either as a list or as cards on a kanban board. You can effortlessly switch between these viewing modes at your convenience. The dashboard also retains your viewing preferences, eliminating the need for constant adjustments.

Kanban View

The kanban view incorporates the following features:

(1) Kanban board The kanban board serves as a workspace representing the progress of a lead. As progress is made, you can simply drag the lead from one board to another.

(2) Lead cards Each lead is depicted by a card containing essential summary information. To work on the lead, click the card to access a comprehensive lead view.

(3) Create a new lead button

(4) Quick editing button.

(5) You can change a lead’s position by dragging it up or down.

(6) As work advances on the lead, you can move it from one board to the next via drag-and-drop.

List View

Leads can also be viewed in a straightforward table format, as demonstrated below.

List View

From the table list view, you can perform the following actions:

(1) Create a new lead.

(2) Open a lead.

(3) Delete a lead.

(4) Edit a lead.

Most lead-related actions can be executed by users assigned to the respective lead.

Working On A Lead

Upon opening a lead, you will be presented with the view depicted below:

Working On A Lead

This streamlined workspace facilitates lead management, enabling you to:

(1) Edit the lead title.

(2) Edit the lead description.

(3) Assign different team members to the lead.

(4) Create and complete checklists.

(5) Attach files to the lead.

(6) Comment and collaborate with team members.

(7) Convert a lead to a customer.

(8) Access a summary view of key lead details and attributes.

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