Stripe Payment Gateway

The Stripe settings page in CRM For Business allows you to integrate Stripe as a payment method for your clients when they make payments for their invoices.


Information Required:

  1. Publishable Key: Obtain this key from your Stripe dashboard (details provided below).
  2. Secret Key: Retrieve this key from your Stripe dashboard (details provided below).
  3. Signing Key: Obtain this key from your Stripe dashboard (details provided below).
  4. Currency: Specify the currency in which your clients will make payments. You’ll need to enter a currency code supported by Stripe. For a full list of supported currency codes, refer to the link provided here.
  5. Display Name: This is the name or title your clients will see when choosing this payment method.

Publishable Key & Secret Key:

To obtain your publishable key and secret key, follow these steps:

  1. While logged into your Stripe dashboard, navigate to Developers > API Keys.
  2. Retrieve your publishable key and secret key from this section.

Webhooks URL:

Important: The Stripe Webhooks URL

You must copy the Stripe Webhooks URL from your CRM for Business dashboard and add it inside your Stripe dashboard. Stripe uses this URL to communicate with your CRM for Business dashboard.

If you do not complete this step, payments will not be processed correctly.

Here are instructions for adding the URL to your Stripe dashboard:

  1. While logged into your Stripe dashboard, go to Developers > Webhooks.
  2. Click on “Add endpoint.”
  3. A popup window will appear. Copy the Webhooks URL from your CRM for Business dashboard and paste it into the “Endpoint URL” field.
  4. Select the Latest API version.
  5. Click on “receive all events.”
  6. Save your changes.

Signing Key:

After adding the Webhooks URL as shown above, you’ll need to obtain the Signing Key associated with that webhook. Follow these steps:

  1. While logged into your Stripe dashboard, navigate to Developers > Webhooks.
  2. In the “Endpoints” section, locate the webhook you added in the previous step.
  3. Click on the webhook.
  4. On the next screen, you’ll find your Signing Secret key. Copy it and paste it into your CRM for Business dashboard.

Enable Payment Method:

Don’t forget to check the “Enable Payment Method” box if you are ready to start using the Stripe payment gateway.

Contact us:

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