
Project Tasks in CRM for Business enable you to organize project work into manageable segments with set deadlines. Team members can work individually or collaborate on complex tasks. Additionally, you can track time for billing clients.


Key actions in the main panel include:


  1. Create a new task.
  2. Filter tasks.
  3. Sort tasks (e.g., by due date).
  4. Toggle between list view and kanban board view.
  5. View task statistics (e.g., open tasks, completed tasks).
  6. Admins can choose to view only assigned tasks or all tasks.
  7. Use the free text search box to find specific tasks.

Kanban View:

The dashboard allows you to view tasks as a list or on a kanban board.


Features of the kanban view include:

  1. Kanban Board: Tracks task progress.
  2. Task Cards: Provides task summaries and full details.
  3. Add New Task Button.
  4. Quick Editing.
  5. Task Position Adjustment.
  6. Drag and Drop Task Progression.

List View:

Tasks are presented in a table format, enabling you to:

  1. Create new tasks.
  2. Open tasks.
  3. Delete tasks.
  4. Edit tasks.
  5. Start and stop task timers (for assigned tasks).
  6. Complete tasks (mostly by assigned users or project managers).

Working on a Task:

When you open a task, you will be able to:

  1. Edit the task title.
  2. Edit the task description.
  3. Create and complete checklists.
  4. Attach files.
  5. Collaborate with team members (and clients if enabled).
  6. Assign team members.
  7. Track time using the task timer.
  8. Update various task settings, including priority.
  9. Manage other task attributes.
  10. Access a summary of key task details.
Working on a Task

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