Ticket System Overview

The support tickets feature in CRM for Business enhances customer satisfaction by offering prompt assistance. Customers can initiate support tickets, and your team can collaborate to resolve their issues efficiently.

You can establish multiple departments (e.g., Sales, Support) through the dashboard’s settings section.

To begin, navigate to the Tickets page:

:: Main Menu > Support

Managing Tickets

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From this page, you can perform the following actions:

(1) Open a new ticket.

(2) Utilize a detailed filter panel to sort tickets by dates, statuses, etc.

(3) Toggle the quick stats panel.

(4) Search for specific tickets using the free text search box.

(5) Delete a ticket.

(6) Edit a ticket.

(7) View a ticket.

Create A Support Ticket

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To create a support ticket, provide the following information:

(1) Ticket subject.

(2) Ticket message.

(3) Attach multiple files.

(4) & (5) These elements are not visible on the client-side of the dashboard.

Reply A Support Ticket

In the support ticket view, you can reply, change departments, adjust the priority, and attach files.

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Contact us:

We will reply you within 1-2 business days.