Efficient Task Management: CRM for Business Solution


Looking to enhance your business productivity? Look no further than our cutting-edge CRM solutions for efficient task management. Our advanced software empowers you to optimize your workflow, ensuring every task is completed seamlessly and on time.

With our user-friendly interface and robust features, you can easily track, assign, and prioritize tasks, eliminating the hassle of manual coordination. Stay organized with real-time updates, task reminders, and progress tracking, enabling you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business.

Our CRM solutions provide a comprehensive platform for effective collaboration, enabling seamless communication and task delegation among team members. Say goodbye to confusion and missed deadlines, and say hello to streamlined task management that drives efficiency and success.

Take your business to new heights with our game-changing CRM solutions. Experience the power of efficient task management and witness the transformation in your business operations. Get started today and unlock the true potential of your business.


Milestones Setup


CRM for Business enhances efficiency by organizing projects into Milestones & Tasks. Milestones signify crucial progress points for project success, and you, as the administrator, control their use. Set default Milestones for new projects and manage team members’ ability to create, delete, or edit Milestones. When a Milestone is deleted, choose to delete associated tasks or move them to ‘uncategorized.


Milestones Setup


CRM for Business enhances efficiency by organizing projects into Milestones & Tasks. Milestones signify crucial progress points for project success, and you, as the administrator, control their use. Set default Milestones for new projects and manage team members’ ability to create, delete, or edit Milestones. When a Milestone is deleted, choose to delete associated tasks or move them to ‘uncategorized.


Task Setup

CRM for Business simplifies project management with Task organization. Team members can collaborate on tasks, track time for billing, and customize views. The dashboard offers list and kanban board views, with drag-and-drop task management. Stay organized and efficient with easy task tracking.


Task Setup

CRM for Business simplifies project management with Task organization. Team members can collaborate on tasks, track time for billing, and customize views. The dashboard offers list and kanban board views, with drag-and-drop task management. Stay organized and efficient with easy task tracking.

Working on a Task


Working on tasks in CRM for Business is both effortless and intuitive. Our user-friendly interface provides a clean workspace where you can seamlessly perform various actions:

1. Edit task titles and descriptions.
2. Create and complete checklists to track progress.
3. Attach files directly to tasks for easy reference.
4. Collaborate and comment with team members, and even involve clients if needed.
5. Assign tasks to specific team members for clear responsibility.
6. Efficiently track your time using the built-in task timer.
7. Adjust task settings, including priority levels.
8. Customize various other task attributes to meet your specific needs.
9. Gain a summary view of key task details.

With these features at your fingertips, you can stay organized, boost productivity, and effortlessly manage tasks within our CRM for Business, making project management a breeze.


Working on a Task

Working on tasks in CRM for Business is both effortless and intuitive. Our user-friendly interface provides a clean workspace where you can seamlessly perform various actions:

1. Edit task titles and descriptions.
2. Create and complete checklists to track progress.
3. Attach files directly to tasks for easy reference.
4. Collaborate and comment with team members, and even involve clients if needed.
5. Assign tasks to specific team members for clear responsibility.
6. Efficiently track your time using the built-in task timer.
7. Adjust task settings, including priority levels.
8. Customize various other task attributes to meet your specific needs.
9. Gain a summary view of key task details.

With these features at your fingertips, you can stay organized, boost productivity, and effortlessly manage tasks within our CRM for Business, making project management a breeze.


Time Tracking


CRM for Business simplifies time tracking by linking it to project tasks. You can start and stop timers while working on assigned tasks, helping you monitor project hours effectively. Tasks show timer icons for easy tracking: start when working, stop when done. Enhance project time management effortlessly.


Time Tracking


CRM for Business simplifies time tracking by linking it to project tasks. You can start and stop timers while working on assigned tasks, helping you monitor project hours effectively. Tasks show timer icons for easy tracking: start when working, stop when done. Enhance project time management effortlessly.

Custom Fields


Enhance task data collection in CRM for Business with Custom Fields. In addition to standard form fields, access a variety of field types such as Simple Text, Paragraph, Number, and more. Configure field display preferences, including standard form visibility, project profile presentation, and availability in the filter panel. Customize form field options, reorder fields, and set mandatory requirements with ease. Elevate your task data collection effortlessly to ensure you gather all the necessary information for your projects. Access Custom Fields via App > Settings > Tasks > Custom Fields.


Custom Fields 

Enhance task data collection in CRM for Business with Custom Fields. In addition to standard form fields, access a variety of field types such as Simple Text, Paragraph, Number, and more. Configure field display preferences, including standard form visibility, project profile presentation, and availability in the filter panel. Customize form field options, reorder fields, and set mandatory requirements with ease. Elevate your task data collection effortlessly to ensure you gather all the necessary information for your projects. Access Custom Fields via App > Settings > Tasks > Custom Fields.


Milestone Settings


Manage Milestone Settings with Ease

In the Milestone Setting page, customize how your application handles milestones effortlessly. General settings empower you to control team members’ abilities to create, edit, and delete project milestones.

Additionally, create default milestones to streamline new project creation. Keep in mind that team members with milestone editing permissions can customize default milestones for specific projects.

Effortlessly create, reorder, edit, or delete default milestones to align with your project needs. Simplify milestone management for enhanced project organization.


Milestone Settings


Manage Milestone Settings with Ease

In the Milestone Setting page, customize how your application handles milestones effortlessly. General settings empower you to control team members’ abilities to create, edit, and delete project milestones.

Additionally, create default milestones to streamline new project creation. Keep in mind that team members with milestone editing permissions can customize default milestones for specific projects.

Effortlessly create, reorder, edit, or delete default milestones to align with your project needs. Simplify milestone management for enhanced project organization.


General Task Setting


Effortlessly Configure Task Display in Kanban Mode

In the Task Settings page, effortlessly tailor how tasks appear on the kanban board. Define the information you want displayed on task cards for streamlined viewing. Simplify task management for improved project organization and productivity.


General Task Setting


Effortlessly Configure Task Display in Kanban Mode

In the Task Settings page, effortlessly tailor how tasks appear on the kanban board. Define the information you want displayed on task cards for streamlined viewing. Simplify task management for improved project organization and productivity.

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