Optimize CRM Team Management with Improved Authorization and Access Control


Experience the next level of CRM team management with our enhanced authorization and access control system. Take command of your CRM platform, ensuring data security and seamless collaboration. Boost productivity, safeguard sensitive information, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with complete control.




Adding New Team Members 

  • Effortlessly strengthen your team with our access system
  • Simplify the process of adding new members to your CRM
  • Seamlessly integrate fresh talent into your workflow
  • Enhance your team’s capabilities and productivity
  • Say goodbye to complexity
feature image Adding New Team Members


Adding New Team Members 

  • Effortlessly strengthen your team with our access system
  • Simplify the process of adding new members to your CRM
  • Seamlessly integrate fresh talent into your workflow
  • Enhance your team’s capabilities and productivity
  • Say goodbye to complexity
feature image Adding New Team Members

Authorizing Team Members

  • Simplify the authorization process for team members in your CRM.
  • User-friendly system for effortless access and permission granting.
  • Empower your team with appropriate access levels for improved collaboration and productivity.
  • Streamlined process for setting user roles, permissions, and access levels.
  • Ensures a smooth and secure experience for all team members within your CRM.


feature image Authorizing Team Members
feature image Authorizing Team Members

Authorizing Team Members

  • Simplify the authorization process for team members in your CRM.
  • User-friendly system for effortless access and permission granting.
  • Empower your team with appropriate access levels for improved collaboration and productivity.
  • Streamlined process for setting user roles, permissions, and access levels.
  • Ensures a smooth and secure experience for all team members within your CRM.


Management system in the Team

  • Simplify team management with our comprehensive system
  • Allow members to manage profiles, time sheets, notifications, and themes easily
  • Empower your team with control over individual settings
  • Enhance CRM experience for team members
  • Streamline profile updates, time tracking, and theme customization
  • Stay informed with notifications
  • Experience seamless management fostering autonomy and collaboration
feature image Management system in the Team

Management system in the Team


  • Simplify team management with our comprehensive system
  • Allow members to manage profiles, time sheets, notifications, and themes easily
  • Empower your team with control over individual settings
  • Enhance CRM experience for team members
  • Streamline profile updates, time tracking, and theme customization
  • Stay informed with notifications
  • Experience seamless management fostering autonomy and collaboration
feature image Management system in the Team

Setting User Roles

  • Roles are exclusively designated for team members.
  • Client users’ roles are predetermined within the application and cannot be altered currently.
  • Upon creating a user role, you’ll have the capability to utilize/assign this role when editing or creating team members’ profiles.


feature image Setting User Roles
feature image Setting User Roles

Setting User Roles

  • Roles are exclusively designated for team members.
  • Client users’ roles are predetermined within the application and cannot be altered currently.
  • Upon creating a user role, you’ll have the capability to utilize/assign this role when editing or creating team members’ profiles.


Setting Permission Levels

  • None: Users with this permission level will have no access to the resource. They won’t see the resource, and if there’s a menu link for it (e.g., Projects), it will be hidden from them.
  • View: Users can only view the resource without making any changes to it.
  • View + Add + Edit: Users can view and make changes to the resource, including the ability to delete it.
  • View + Add + Edit + Delete: Users have all the permissions of level (3) and can also delete the resource.
    feature image Setting Permission Levels

    Setting Permission Levels

    • None: Users with this permission level will have no access to the resource. They won’t see the resource, and if there’s a menu link for it (e.g., Projects), it will be hidden from them.
    • View: Users can only view the resource without making any changes to it.
    • View + Add + Edit: Users can view and make changes to the resource, including the ability to delete it.
    • View + Add + Edit + Delete: Users have all the permissions of level (3) and can also delete the resource.
      feature image Setting Permission Levels

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